When it comes to billboards the statistics speak for themselves. In recent research, done internationally, over 50% of people said that they’ll look at billboards while traveling. This gives you the ability to reach half of the active buyers out there! Getting the consumers to make a sale, or even just enquire about what you offer, lies in the type of billboard you choose.
There are various types of billboards, ranging from traditional, to digital. Some businesses even opt for hand-painted billboards to attract a certain demographic.
Many marketers refer to an “8-second rule” when it comes to creating a billboard advertisement. You must remember that the people viewing your billboard are either in a hurry, running to their office block, or in a moving vehicle on their way home. Can people understand your ad in 8-seconds? This is vital if you choose to go the billboard’s way. Will busy travelers and daily commuters understand what you have to offer in just 8-seconds? Ask yourself this question before you design your billboard.
Billboards have several advantages:
- They are massive, which means they’ll grab the viewer’s attention. Its size allows viewers to easily spot your ad. Use colorful imagery for the full effect.
- Billboards expand your reach, targeting a large and diverse market with one single advert. This can drive up traffic towards your brand.
- Your brand will have an increase in consumer exposure.
- You’re not only targeting one person, both middle and upper-class consumers will see your billboard. Billboards expand your reach.
- It has a strong visual effect that appeals to most buyers when they’re shopping around. Billboards can create a lasting effect on the people seeing them daily.
- It creates great awareness for your products or services. You’ll get an instant reaction from the viewers.
- Billboards, if used right, can greatly increase your business reputation amongst the community. Be known as the brand that cares about the community!
- The customer finds you, instead of the other way around. This makes your marketing journey easier.
Fun-fact; billboards are the second most effective marketing tool, reaching over 70% of consumers
What is important to remember when you launch a billboard ad campaign?
- The best billboards are simplistic, which means you’ll have limited space to make your splash. Slogans offer a great way to engage potential buyers. Make your words count.
- Unfortunately, the weather can have an impact on your billboard, make sure you go with a water-proof option. It is also important to choose a design that will shine both day and night.
- Billboards are a short-term advertising solution, which means you need to get it right the first time. Make sure what you put out there gives value to your potential buyers. You need to create instant excitement.
- Sometimes you might be stuck with a visibility issue. Large trees or garden scrubs might cover your advertisement. It is vital to choose the proper placement for your billboard. If you are using an agency, voice your concerns from the start.
- Have fun with it! It is important to engage with consumers on a level that will stimulate them. Avoid the boring news and go for the fun deals.
Pro-tip; display a discount code or coupon reference with your next big sale to attract more visitors to your store.
These days many companies are opting for digital billboards. This is one of the more modern billboard options to take the stage. Going digital gives you greater freedom when you have to design your advertisement. You can either use interactive imagery or change your information often, should the agency you use allow it.
If you see that an advertisement might not be performing well. Digital billboards allow you to mix up the content and try something new when you feel like it.
Other billboard options include:
- Classic or bulletin billboards; are large billboards placed on busy street corners or highways.
- Vinyl billboards; usually bright and bold used for special events.
- Painted billboards; although less popular today, give a specific message across.
- Mobile billboards; advertisers use a moving vehicle for the billboard, usually at festivals or busy conferences.
A billboard might feel like a big leap. You spend a lot of money without really knowing how consumers will respond to what you show them. If you find yourself weary of getting that ad space on a popular billboard, contact the PlaceMyAd team. A consultant will gladly assist you and clear up any worries that you might have.
The PlaceMyAd process is as simple as 1,2,3:
- Visit the website and find the product that you’re interested in.
- Scroll through the many media outlets available.
- Fill in the quick form and wait for a friendly staff member to contact you.
Billboards are a proven effective way of marketing your brand. These outdoor advertising tools let you speak to a variety of new potential clients and give your business the necessary exposure it needs to thrive.