The new perspective of advertising in any form is to accomplish intent. There is a need to have a reason behind advertising. Besides selling and creating brand awareness, the intent through personalized advertising of any advert should be:
- Grabbing attention
- Attracting interest
- Creating the desire
- Persuading action
It is no secret that advertisements are designed to reach people. Your advert is intended to people. Getting conscious attention solely depends on the relevancy of the ad with people. Personalizing your advert speaks volumes of who you are as a brand and so people relate to the ‘who’ aspect of it.
Personalized adverts shape the perception of your product. People build in their minds a picture of your product. The building in mind creates room for your product to live in their thoughts. They now think about it in their basic daily thoughts. Once it becomes an everyday thought, they look for ways to apply it in their lives and eventually they will see the need for the product and as a result, they will purchase it.
- Sight
- Touch
- Hearing
You personalize your advert by making it a personal contact. If people can see, touch or hear about your product through advertising, it makes it a personal encounter and then it influences them to act to it.
People are influenced by what they know about your brand and a personal encounter does the trick very well.
Targeting your audience achieves personalized advertising effectively. When your brand knows its audience, it is able to produce tailor-made advertising that will associate with your audience. You know what your audience wants and so you create an advert that will best speak to them and make it a personal encounter. For example, SABC 1 knows who watch prime time shows and they target their advertisements to that audience.
Elements to look at for effective personalized advertising
Choice of words:
Information is good, but choosing the right information for persuasion is important. Hitting the right emotional cords requires the right wording. Your advert must be well equipped with the right words that will explain the consumer benefits and reasons why the product is a need. People need to understand why your product should be preferred and choosing your words wisely will sell that reason and make it more personal.
The fusion of human Communications
Humans communicate in so many different ways and that is how they understand things. The purpose of communication is for understanding, using different ways of communications will allow people to understand the advertisement in so many ways than one. This put all sorts of communications in the advert and make it more personalized.
There are two major categories of human communications according to Wikipedia, that is, rhetorical and relational.
Rhetorical is based on the idea of persuasion and relational is based on the transactional perspective.
Bring the advert alive
Added to the copywriting, include photography or the arts, a splash of color, music, drama, and choreography. These can be ways to explore in bringing the advert alive so that it is more personalized. Take for example using music to personalize your advert, get an artist who will write and compose a song specifically for your advert.
In Conclusion
At the end of the day, the world of advertising is making amends to make sure that it does its purpose effectively and personalizing your advert is one of those ways. Look at it this way, if we don’t make an effort to make the audience feels like we are for them and by them, we are failing the core mandate of being in the business industry.
You must understand that products are to make life easier and somehow personalizing your advert finds a place in people’s lives for the products or services to apply. Always look for a hole of need and make sure you patch that hole with your products and proving that fact lies on your advertising efforts.